The Constitution

The constitution of an incorporated body is a legal document that can usually only be changed by a specifically convened general meeting, and in some cases at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Committee usually draws its authority from the club’s constitution.   
Most constitutions are general but require the club to develop an agreed ‘Statement of Purpose’, outlining its overall objectives. The constitution is a useful document for defining the authority that flows to and from the Committee and provides the club rules and obligations of the Committee and its members. As a minimum, the constitution must be relevant to the club and reviewed at least every 5 years.

Most constitutions are based on the Model Rules for Incorporated Bodies which is administered by Consumer Affairs Victoria or equivalent.  Victorian Associations can add to or change these but must lodge these with Consumer Affairs Victoria with a fee. To learn more, go to and go to the section entitled Associations Clubs & Fundraising > Incorporated Associations > Rules.

Note that after November 26 in Victoria new Model Rules will be in place which can be viewed at / Select Incorporated Associations for the forms.

To see a summary of the changes Click Here to go to PILCH or Consumer Affairs Victoria Free information sessions are being conducted throughout the state - Click Here for details

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